This list is NOT in any particular order and will be updated, please check back often:
黃淳樑詠春拳學會 Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun Centre
Sifu John Wong
- Location: Hong Kong
- About: 葉問宗師把詠春在香港發揚,培育了無數優秀的弟子。當中弟子 – 黃淳樑,在六十年代跟各門派比武不下數十場,而大部份對戰亦獲得勝利,因此贏得 “講手王” 的稱號。而黃淳樑將實戰經驗放到詠春的拳理及教法上,發展了一套黃淳樑的《詠春拳學》。惜黃師父己於1996逝世,但多年的教學中,學生己遍滿香港及歐洲各地。而本會旨在繼續發揚黃淳樑《詠春拳學》之餘,還可讓黃師父以住的學生有一聚之處。
- Homepage:
- email: [email protected]
陳儉文詠春拳學 Chan Kim Man Scientific Ving Tsun
師傅陳儉文 (Sifu Chan Kim Man)
- Location: Hong Kong
- About: 在80年代初,陳師傅獲其恩師提拔為詠春拳館助教,負責協助處理教務。1996年黃淳樑師父接獲中國國家體育委員會武術培訓部的邀請前往北京開辦「詠春拳培訓班」,而陳師傅亦因此前往出任助教,協助教授詠春,務將拳學泓揚。於1996年下旬,陳師傅在其恩師仙遊後一直協助師母及其兒子教授詠春拳學至2010年3月。 即使在工餘時間,陳師傅仍不忘師訓,於1995年起利用工餘時間到廣州市番禺區石基鎮石崗東村及由2010年4月起在香港西半山西邊街第三街西區社區中心開班推廣詠春拳學至今,不遺餘力,發揚光大。
- Homepage:
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- email: [email protected]
趙學賢詠春國術會 Chiu Hok Yin Ving Tsun Martial-Arts Assocaition
師傅趙學賢 (Sifu Chiu Hok Yin)
- Location: Hong Kong
- About: 趙學賢,自幼熱愛武術,早年拜於先師黃淳樑(已故詠春拳名宿講手王)門下多年,為先師得意第子,更得先師悉心教道,得益不淺! 1975-1987年間,本人苦練詠春拳與對外印正交流武術,於1984年更代表師傅拳會出賽省港澳武術搏擊邀請賽,勇奪優勝獎,其後得師傅頒發證書並鼓勵出外設館授徒,發揚詠春拳術,本人現更創立趙學賢詠春國術會 (經政府合法登記 with the Government Approval)。 而本人門生更於武術散打遴選賽、澳省港黐手搏擊邀請賽、武聯散打盃、武協搏擊散打賽及世界武術錦標賽等各公開賽事中勇奪獎項,成績有目共睹。 現本人更被獲選為中國香港傳統武術總會副會長、香港武術聯會散手顧問、香港武術聯會散打教練、擂台散打裁判、中國香港武術散打協會副會長及香港武術聯會團體會員。
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Gary Lam Wing Chun
Sifu Gary Lam
- Location: Monterey Park, CA USA
- About: Sifu Gary Lam trained with the Legendary Sifu Wong Shun Leung , for 15 years and served as the instructor atWong’s school in Hong Kong for an additional 6 years. As one of Sifu Wong Shun Leung’s top student, Sifu Lam put his Wing Chun skills to test by entering tournaments and destroying the competition. His excellent fighting skills made him the undefeated champion of the Hong Kong full Contact Tournament in 1978-1979. His trophies and titles are too numerous to mention.
- Homepage:
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- email: [email protected]
Geelong WSL Wing Chun
Sifu Terry Hayden/ Assistant instructor Robert Stojanovski
- Location: North Geelong, Victoria, Australia
- About:
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Illawarra Ving Tsun School
Sifu John Smith
- Location: NSW, Australia
- About: Dedicated to promoting with out alteration the heritage of Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun. To promote Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun; as taught by Wong Shun Leung
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- facebook group:
- email: [email protected]
師傅林錦權 (Sifu Lam Kam Kuen)
- Location: Hong Kong
- About: 詠春拳是一種簡單、實用,強調以詠春理念激發習練者實戰能力和技巧的拳技。黃淳樑提出了 “詠春拳學” 的設想,要在沒有規則限制下兩人進行近體徒手格鬥時,如何運用現代科學理論去解釋隨意對抗的規律性。環顧當今國際武壇上,還未有人提出過這種科學體系。
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伍家國術會 Ng Family Chinese Martial Arts Association
Sifu Sam Ng & Sifu Philip Ng
- Location: Chicago, IL USA
- About: Promotes the development and practice of the martial arts and sciences. Sifu Sam Ng and his son, Sifu Philip Ng, formed the organization in 1997 to better consolidate a forum to spread the art of Chinese boxing, specifically Choy Lay Fut and Ving Tsun.
- Homepage:
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- email: [email protected]
Omega Wing Chun
Sifu Archimede Tentindo
- Location: Gym Sport Village Via Emilio Zago # 1 ( area Vigne Nuove – Port of Rome ) - Rome
- About: La OMEGA (Organizzazione Marzialisti E Gong-fu Amatori) è un’associazione di amatori e ricercatori, nata per approfondire e per divulgare le seguenti discipline: Wing Chun -Ving Tsun, Qi Gong, Arte del Coltello. In tal senso si propone di offrire ai propri iscritti, attraverso insegnanti qualificati e riconosciuti, una conoscenza sempre più ampia e completa di queste meravigliose discipline.
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純。詠春 PVT Group (Pure-VingTsun)
Sifu Jerry Yeung
- Location: Hong Kong
- About: Utilizing systematic training method and collates with practical combat experiences to testify the Ving Tsun theory, to guide and instruct the student toward a correct understanding of Ving Tsun Kuen, and to promote and honor our late Sifu’s “Ving Tsun Combat Science”.
- Homepage:
- facebook:
- email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Quijano’s Martial Arts
Sifu Miguel Quijano
- Location: Mountain View, California, USA
- About: Keeping the Wong Shun Lineage of Ving Tsun Kung fu alive through the teachings of Sifu Victor Koo. We are located in Mountain View, California USA for more information please contact: Sifu Miguel Quijano at [email protected]
- Homepage:
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- email: [email protected]
中國詠春拳學總會 Scientific Ving Tsun Martial Art Research Association China
師傅李恆昌 (Sifu Li Hang Cheong)
- Location: Hong Kong
- About: 李恆昌師傅於1997年12月創立詠春拳學研究會;以紀念恩師黃淳樑及繼續發揚一代宗師黃淳樑所傳之優秀中華技擊武學【詠春拳學】。由1997年於中國及香港多處地點開班授徒,獲得優良聲譽及口碑。詠春拳學研究會於1999年12月正式改稱為中國詠春拳學總會。
- Homepage:
- email: [email protected]
S3VT / .System.Science.Skills. Ving Tsun WSLVT Association of Toronto, CANADA
Sifu Dwight Hennings
- Location:Toronto, Ontario Canada
- About: An intimate training environment with practical reinforcement and pressure testing to empower the individual through the practise of the System’s concepts, actions, and applications with a commitment to the preservation and development of WSLVT. Training methods are complimented with the Science of physiology, geometry, and psychology behind Ving Tsun’s forms, concepts, structures, and actions. At each level of practise the System and Science is developed through partner drills, Chi Sao, Boxing Drills, and Goh Sao practise to develop one’s Skills ultimately developing one’s skill set to be Simple, Direct, and Efficient.
- Homepage:
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- email: [email protected]
(DVTF) The Danish Ving Tsun Federation
Sifu Morten Ibsen
- Location:Denmark/ HQ Odense
- About: You won’t find instructors with assumed solemnity in the DVTF; instead we are trying to create an ego-free environment built on friendship, honesty and above all a major passion for this amazing martial arts system. The federation’s objective is to teach Ving Tsun in a relaxed and accessible manner, where emphasis is placed on good technique and personal development, as taught to me by Sifu David Peterson
- Homepage:
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Ving Tsun Combat Science
Sifu Darren Elvey
- Location: Melbourne, Australia
- About: The purpose of VTCS is to teach effective self-defence skills in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere that enables individuals to achieve their full potential. The founder of the Ving Tsun Combat Science organisation (Darren Elvey) commenced training in the Wong Shun Leung lineage of Ving Tsun under David Peterson in 1989. From 2003 to 2010 he ran classes for David Peterson at his school. During this time he developed training protocols that put Ving Tsun skills under increasing levels of pressure in order to test the practitioner’s ability to apply them.In January 2011 the Ving Tsun Combat Science organisation was founded. The school is dedicated to passing on the Wong Shun Leung approach to Ving Tsun. The objective of VTCS is to teach effective skills that can be used and to preserve the Wong Shun Leung method of Ving Tsun.The approach is open and honest, the atmosphere is relaxed and friendly, the outcome is you reaching your full potential and developing practical skills that you can use
- Homepage:
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- email: [email protected]
Ving Tsun Delta
Sifu Lars Ender
- Location: Schriesheim (near Heidelberg), Germany
- About: Lars started training Ving Tsun under his Sifu Ernest Höfler in 1993. During the years he also learned from his Sipak Barry Lee and Sipak Yuen Yim Keung
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Ving Tsun Kung Fu Association Europe
Sifu Philipp Bayer
- Location: Menden, Germany
- About: School in Wulffstr. 15 58706 Menden
- Homepage:
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- email: [email protected]
Ving Tsun Kung Fu Association Europe- Germany
The Ving Tsun school – Stephan Ripple
Sifu Stephan Ripple
- Location: Marktstr. 45 72793 Pfullingen
- About:Coach and head of the Ving Tsun school in Pfullingen. I was born in 1971 and of professional Master of Business Administration FH. About Judo, Ju Jitsu, Aikido, Ninjutsu, Manabi Masho Jiu Jitsu and western boxing I got 1988 Ving Tsun. Since 2005 I am a student of Philipp Bayer. The directness and logic of the learned of Philip Ving Tsun’s immediately fascinated me. No secrecy, no mixing with other styles ….. tough, right – just pure Ving Tsun. In my school I am teaching the Ving Tsun exactly as it Philip has taught me and the way he was able to learn it from Wong Shun Leung
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- email: [email protected]
Ving Tsun Kung Fu Association Europe- The Netherlands
Sifu Dave Van Der Poel
- Location: Harderwijk/Zeewolde, Netherlands
- About: De scholen in Harderwijk en Zeewolde zijn één van de weinigen, in dit deel van Nederland, waar het zo effectieve, Ving Tsun wordt onderwezen. Een moderne kijk op vechtkunst in vergelijking tot het reeds aanwezige aanbod in de regio. Ving Tsun onderscheidt zich van vrijwel alle andere vechtsystemen door haar logica en eenvoud. Daarentegen is haar voornaamste doel;
- Homepage:
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- email: [email protected]
Ving Tsun Kung Fu – Riedstadt e.V.
Sifu Carsten Werhan
- Location: Germany / Hessen
- About: Das Training in der Ving Tsun Kung Fu – Riedstadt e.V. baut auf Vertrauen, Partnerschaft und Freundschaft auf. Prüfungen und Graduierungen spielen keine Rolle, denn die Ausbildung soll sich nicht nach einer Prüfungsordnung richten. Die Gruppe ist eher klein und überschaubar. So besteht die Möglichkeit der persönlichen, individuellen Betreuung.
- Homepage:
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- email: [email protected]
Wan Kam Leung Practical Wing Chun Kung Fu International
Sifu Wan Kam Leung
- Location: Hong Kong
- About: Sifu Wan Kam Leung has precisely modified the Wing Chun system into a modern day practical combating art suitable for males and females of all ages. Wan Kam Leung Practical Wing Chun, the effective way to increase strength, self confidence and allround positive health development.
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Wing Chun Combat System
Sifu Daniel Van Den Bosch
- Location: Seville Grove, Perth Western Australia
- About: At Wing Chun Combat System, we constantly seek to enhance our understanding and expression of WSL inspired Wing Chun Kuen, with a focus on training effective and practical self protection for the street, as taught to me by and developed in consultation with Rolf Clausnitzer of the Wing Chun Kuen Academy of WA. We train in an informal and friendly environment.
- Homepage:
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- email: [email protected]
Wing Chun Kuen Academy of Western Australia
Sifu Rolf Clausnitzer
- Location: Perth, Western Australia
- About: Having trained in Wing Chun Kuen since 1964, Rolf Clausnitzer ranks as one of Australia’s most experienced and accomplished teachers. In 1964 Rolf began formal training under Sifu Wong Shun Leung (Bruce Lee’s teacher). Wong, considered to be the best “fighter” of his generation was a well known teacher and served as Yip Man’s number one Instructor.
- Homepage:
- facebook:
- email: [email protected]
Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun Kung Fu Association UK
Sifu Clive Potter
- Location: The Fleetville Community Centre, Royal Road, St. Albans Herts., AL1 4LQ UK
- About: It is the mission of the Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun Kung Fu Association UK to instruct and spread the Wong Shun Leung method of Ving Tsun. A number of students have now practised Ving Tsun under the Association for many years and have also had the opportunity to meet and train with Wong Shun Leung himself. Some of these are now teachers under our Association.
- Homepage:
- facebook:
- email: [email protected]
WSL Ving Tsun Chinese Boxing
Sifu Enzo Verratti
- Location: Melbourne, Australia
- About: Why not try - Hong Kong style Ving Tsun.It’s Simple, Direct and Efficient.Learn, practice and apply self-protection in a safe and fun environment.
- Homepage:
- email: [email protected]
WSL Ving Tsun Combat Science – Malaysia
Sifu David Peterson
- Location: Kuala Lumpur/ Seremban, Malaysia
- About: The home of ‘Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun Kuen Hok’ (黃淳樑詠春拳學) in Malaysia. If you want to learn a scientific, practical & effective form of personal protection, then ours is the school for you. We offer classes in Seremban at our permanent headquarters, as well as classes in Kuala Lumpur near Plaza OUG. Beginners are always welcome at anytime and no previous Martial Arts experience or extreme athletic ability is required.
- Homepage:
- facebook:
- email: [email protected]
Sifu Stefan Kunev
- Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
- About: This club was founded in 2003 as the first active club in Ving Tsun method of Wong Shun Leung. Stefan Kunev practiced Wing Chun since 1987. Only in 2000 he started practicing WSL Ving Tsun. He participated in numerous seminars sifu Nino Bernardo, sifu Gary Lam and sifu Philipp Bayer . In 2007 sifu David Peterson takes it as his student. In 2012 the club’s students have become champions in full contact and forms Open Championships in Bulgaria and Europe. The purpose of the club VT Beimo to learn effective skills that can be used in a real situation and to preserve the authentic Wong Shun Leung Method of Ving Tsun.
- Homepage:
- facebook:
- email: [email protected]
袁炎強詠春國術會 Yuen Yim Keung Ving-Tsun Martial Arts Association
Sifu Yuen Wai Ming
- Location: Hong Kong
- About: 我們是香港註冊成立的武術團體,主要是教授中國國術詠春拳、徒手搏擊及本門兵器。 We are a Martial Art Organization and teaching Ving Tsun Kung Fu , Free Fight and Weapon in Hong Kong .
- Homepage:
- email: [email protected]